Monday 26 February 2007

Quick update

Sorry I haven't written in a while, I've been busy! I finished work at Christel House on Friday and I start travelling for a couple of weeks on Tuesday. We're taking a flight to Kerela and then on to Mumbai, Jaipur, Agra and Dehli. Then I come back to Bangalore and Sara, the friend I'm travelling with, heads off to Thailand (pretty good huh?).
I move out of Bishop Cotton's when I get back, I've got a place lined up in Cooke Town, directly opposite to a friend of mine! It's fantastic luck, and I owe it to Raj, a friend out here who sorted it out for me. It's on the 3rd floor, with a terrace, for the bargin price of about 50 pounds a month. It has no kitchen, but I don't even enter the kitchen I have at the moment anyway, and no hot water (which is slightly more of an inconvienience, but I'll just call Ellie and she'll let me use her shower...although she doesn't know this yet!). Pictures will follow!
Got to go and book flights now! Write soon! xx


Anonymous said...

Oh Clare, Your travels sound amazing!Hope you are having an brilliant time, Sounds a hell of a lot more fun than nursing in Wales!! Loads of love Lucy

Chris B said...

Hi Clare, Sounds as though it's all going very well! Good to hear you got the school thing sorted... Enjoy the travelling - and remember to put some pics up so we can see what you're up to! :o) Betty misses you. Love & prayers, Chris

Unknown said...

hey clare, sounding pretty awesome, your friends sound pretty cool, nice of ellie to lend you her shower without even asking, nicer than me. Also this is just to prove i am reading your blog. Hope you enjoy. Let me know if there's anything you want me to pray about or just cool stuff that is going alex x