Thursday, 1 February 2007

Goa baby!!

When I visited Christel House I met Barbara, one of the other volunteers there, we got talking and within 10 mins she had invited me to go to Goa with her and her friends that weekend! I had to pack my bags and get ready to leave for 8pm that night, it was already 2pm and my lift home got me there for 6pm. I rushed about like a headless chicken packing, going out for supper and then catching an autorickshaw to the other side of town.
I had been told we were going in a taxi, umm quite a long way but it doesnt look that far on the map - oh wait that's a zoomed out map...What was suppose to be 12hours by taxi was actually 18hours!! ouch!! Not only that but we didn't go on a single road that resembled a motorway and quite a few that didn't even resemble roads! I felt so sorry for the driver who drove straight through the night. Out taxi would have held 6 people including the driver in comfort, we had 9 people plus luggage - tight squeeze doessn't even come close to describing it! We had 3 people in each row, including front row which was the worst place to sit by far. We played musical chairs at every stop, to make it fair on the people in the front. The person in the middle at the front didn't even have room to sit straight, they had to have one leg up on the dash board and even then the gear stick vibrated against your arse! But even though the most uncomfortable moments of my life were in that car it didn't feel like 18hours.
The group I went with were fantastic, they're all here with Gap Guru (a student travel company, who charge for finding you accomodation and volunteer placements or adventure trips, but you still have to pay for them! they literally just find it for you and act as a safety net for you, and they give you a T-shirt!). I've met most of them but I think there are still a few people I haven't met who didn't go to Goa. They're mostly UK and US gappers, really friendly and open.
We spent the whole weekend on the beach, gorgoues sand, palm trees, not a cloud in the sky, warm sea....ah beautiful! Because it's not really Indian tourist season yet, the beaches weren't overly packed. There were cute little huts with restaurants or cafes all along the beach with sun loungers in front for customers use. All selling Kingfishers, India main beer (and cheapest drink you can buy in any club! ie my drink)
I may have spent quite a bit of money....we went to a market and there were these gorgeous embroidered rugs/wallhangings and I could only think uni accomodation and bought two. They each took about a month to hand-embroider with beads, sequins and thread.
The best night was when we went for pizza at a local restaurant (only customers!) and then went to the beach. We made a campfire on the rocks by the sea and sang songs around it! Our Lion King renditions were a joy to the ears - particulary since one of the girls has been accepted to Cambridge with a coral scholarship and did loads of harmonizing! Palm leaves burn well.
A good weekend!


Anonymous said...

Awww, Clarey, Goa sounds awesome! I remember sitting round the campfire at Viney Hill with you singing the Lion King and all otehr manner of Disney songs. Bet that seems like a million miles and years ago! I'm just reading about Chritel House, it sounds like an amazing project to be a part of. Keep having fun and doing good Clare! Love Kathryn xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hiya Clare
Just been reading about your 'comfortable' journey to Goa! Sounds a bit like the youth group minibus when we're all packed in there! Your flat sounds very swish- just maybe not the cockroaches & dead rats! Sorry I haven't been able to post a comment till now - I was a bit confumbled by the google user thingy!
Miss yhooooo
But glad you're having a great time!
Anna! :)xx

Cathy E said...

Hi Clare,
I am so enjoying your blogging, the trip to Goa sounds fab and glad you have found somewhere to work where you will feel really useful.
Your mum and andy called in last Sunday and of course this weekend is the annual panto trip. - you will be much talked about, much thought about and much missed. especially for the shouiting for Rachels birthday call out at the show!! Charlotte is really looking forward to the weekend - but mostly because Grandam has promised us the Pavlove speciality. Mouth watering yet???
Cary on having a fab time
Love you lots,
Cathy and the clanXXXX

Anonymous said...

18 hours in a taxi...sounds pretty bad! When are you going to send me your address?? Jodie xx

Anonymous said...

Dear Clare, Hope you have now recovered from the vibrating gear stick. From Bangalore to the coast is only about 180 miles or 6hrs at 30mph. Was the 18 hours there and back? It would have taken about 12hrs to reach the Southern tip of India! Perhaps the taxi driver was taking you all for a ride! Love Anne & Ben C.

Anonymous said...

Hey clare!!!! im so sorry i havnt written u a comment for weeks but havnt been able to get on the computer! How ru????? I wish i was there with u, it sounds so amazing!!!! N ur apartments rly nice :D i think u shud write a book after ur trip coz ur blog things r really interesting n funny to read! I wud buy it anyway if u wrote a book lol. Ur weekend at goa sounds lush! lion king songs round the fire...ahhh heaven :) ummm anyway i will try to write u more comments from now on! im going on holiday for 2weeks in a week so wont b writin then but otherwise expect to hear more from me!!!! Keep having an incredible time, n stay safe! Loads n loads of love, sarah (reynolds) xxxxxxxx